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What is TMJ/TMD

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a connecting joint from your jawbone to your skull on each side of your jaw. Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) is a type of TMJ disorder that can cause pain and discomfort in your jaw joints and the muscles that control your jaw movements. There is no [...]

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Tooth Resorption

The term resorption is technically not a dental term. Though, a dental professional may diagnose you that you may experience tooth resorption. Resorption happened when your body went through a traumatic injury, and it rejects the tooth as self-defense. Tooth resorption transpires when there is a tooth loss (part of [...]

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Harmful Habits You Must Be Aware Of

You do many things subconsciously daily without realizing that it can cause harm and be damaging to your teeth. Here are some of the conditions that may hurt your teeth listed below. If you find that this is something that you are currently doing, you may want to reconsider stopping [...]

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Who is a Periodontist?

A periodontist specializes in treating issues that affect your gums and bones in your mouth. Their specialty is in diagnosing, preventing, and treating gum disease. The periodontist can help manage signs of advancing gum disease such as oral inflammation. Gum disease occurs when the tissues around the teeth get infected [...]

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Full Mouth Debridement (FMD)

Everyone’s responsibilities and obligations increase daily; therefore, dental care is often the least of concerns. It is not unusual for someone to not prioritize their dental care, but it definitely should be avoided. If you have not seen your dentist for professional cleaning, you may already have built up a [...]

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Pulmonary Actinomycosis

Pulmonary actinomycosis is a rare bacterial lung infection known as thoracic actinomycosis, and it is not contagious. This rare condition mainly affects people between the ages of 30 and 60 and occurs more in men than in women. It will be a lengthy process for the treatment to be successful. [...]

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What is Dental Bone Graft?

What is a dental bone graft, and what you should know about them? A dental bone graft is a dental procedure in which it is performed to increase the bone support where the bone has been lost or needs additional help. The bone may be taken somewhere else in the [...]

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Implants Problems and Complications

Problems and complications can occur from dental implant surgery shortly after the procedure or years later. Usually, an early dental failure will occur within the first 3 to 4 months after the procedure. It is typical to experience a certain level of pain and discomfort that can be stabilizing by [...]

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Routine Dental Examinations

Routine dental examination visits are usually an essential and critical step in maintaining good oral health. There are more to dental visits than identifying potential problems or underlying illness. Seeing your dentists regularly help keep your teeth healthier since teeth tend to be worn out over time and require cleanings [...]

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Dental Routine Check-ups

Dental check-ups are very important but have you ever wondered why it is so important? You may wonder why it is needed to go to the dentist every six months for a check-up. The answer is that it is essential to get your routine check-ups because they can do a [...]

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