Full Mouth Debridement (FMD)

Stock image for Full Mouth Debridement (FMD)

Everyone’s responsibilities and obligations increase daily; therefore, dental care is often the least of concerns. It is not unusual for someone to not prioritize their dental care, but it definitely should be avoided. If you have not seen your dentist for professional cleaning, you may already have built up a considerably high plaque and tartar. When this happens, your dentist will have difficulties assessing your dental health thoroughly. With this circumstance, a full mouth debridement is the best recommendation.

A full mouth debridement (FMD) is a non-invasive and non-surgical procedure done by a dentist or a Periodontist. Dental plaque is a sticky substance that can harden and be difficult to remove if you do not brush your teeth daily. The entire mouth debridement removes the hardened plaque and tartar from the teeth and underneath the gums.

  • If you have periodontitis, you are prone to gum inflammation and periodontal pockets under your gum line.
  • Periodontal pockets are the spaces between your teeth and gums where plaque buildups and bacteria can infiltrate.
  • Periodontal pockets can not be cleaned easily. Therefore, your dentist will recommend a more invasive procedure, scaling and root planning or deep dental cleaning.
  • Scaling and full mouth debridement are similar in removing tartar from teeth and deeper beneath the gums.
  • Root planing is used to smoothen out a tooth’s root. It is done throughout the entire mouth to help reattach gum tissues to teeth to close the periodontal pockets and eliminates areas where bacteria can grow to infest.

To prevent a full mouth debridement, you should consider:

  • Avoiding eating and drinking sugary substances because they can stick to your teeth to promote bacteria growth.
  • Remember always to rinse your mouth or brush your teeth after you consume sugary food or beverages.
  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day using a soft-bristle toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste.
  • Invest in an electric toothbrush since it will help you clean between your teeth and your gum lines.
  • Remember to floss daily, thoroughly.
  • It would be best to quit smoking, vaping, or chew nicotine to avoid dental health issues.
  • See your dentist twice a year for your routine checkups and cleaning.
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