Underbite and Overbite

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An underbite is a dental term for a characterized condition when the lower teeth extend outward, passing the upper front teeth. It is also classified as a Class III malocclusion. In most circumstances, the underbite may appear severe, whereas some appear milder and nearly unnoticed. Whereas some people may learn to adapt to mild cases, those with severe cases may experience oral health problems.

  • Difficulty in biting, chewing, and closing their mouth.
  • Speech impediments
  • Facial pain due to misalignment of the jaw
  • Underbite has several factors that could cause the development of an underbite that includes childhood habits such as thumb sucking, teeth pushing using the tongue, pacifier usage above the age of three, and long-term bottle feeding. Genetics can also be inherited if it is within the family medical history. Severe injuries to the face can also be a factor that causes permanent damage, and tumors on the jawbones can cause the jaws to protrude.
  • People are not born with perfectly straight teeth. However, there are people out there with a severe underbite that may require extensive treatment or surgical correction.
  • Most certified oral surgeons can do underbite surgery. The underbite surgery can correct the misaligned jaw and include reshaping and lengthen the upper jaw and shorten the lower jaw. In some cases, wires, plates, and screws may be needed to hold the jawbone in place.
  • The cost of surgery can vary by the person’s dental insurance. With insurance, the highest limit that it can incur is $5,000. Without insurance, the cost can run from $20,000 to $40,000.

As mentioned, an underbite can be lived except for how severe it is that may affect not only the person’s self-esteem and quality of life. Visit a dentist to learn and get more information on treatment options to determine which is available and best for you.

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