Ultrasonic Cleaning

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After every professional tooth cleaning, the feeling that comes after is always that confident and fresher smile. Although tooth cleaning is meant for a bright appearance, its significant purpose is to help prevent and treat periodontal (gum disease) disease. Over time, you are required for unique teeth cleaning to remove dental plaque, and stains build up on the teeth’s enamels. The hardened plaque is the tartar that forms above and below the gum line. Deep, thorough cleaning removes the hardened plaques off the teeth to keep them clean and disease-free from harmful bacterias. Statistics show that there may be a connection to periodontal healing to your all health, which means that to be healthy, it also starts with your oral hygiene.

Ultrasonic cleaning is assisted with an ultrasonic scaler. Ultrasonic scalers come in different types, and its main focus is the electromagnetic forces that cause the tiny tip to remove the plaque, tartar, and stains the surface. The rapid vibration can penetrate and eliminate hardened build-ups. Usually, the ultrasonic scaler comes in a hand-held wand with a tiny tip to vibrate and release a small stream of water (or antibacterial mouthwash) called the lavage. The lavage is used for flushing away the debris in which the effect is called captivation. The water that is broken down into millions of tiny particles will rupture the walls making it less hospitable to any harmful bacteria.

Ultrasonic scaling is roughly around one-third less time if compared to standard hand scaling. Many patients choose ultrasonics more than traditional because it means less time in the dental chair. It requires the dentist to use less force since only the tip touches the tooth surface during the procedure. It causes less discomfort and results in a more thorough and cleaner treatment. For patients prone to gum diseases, tartar build-ups, and teeth sensitivity, they should consider the usage of ultrasonic.

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