Oral Piercings

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There are many types of oral piercings that you can get that you can visibly see outside of your mouth, which is the perioral, or the inside, which is the intraoral. Some of the most common piercings that people pierce are their:

Oral Piercings

  • Tongue
  • Lips
  • Cheeks
  • Uvula
  • Frenum

By getting piercings, it is a way to express yourself and your style but keep in mind that some risks and complications come with it. The mouth is filled with good bacteria and harmful bacteria. The harmful bacteria can cause infections and swelling if the piercing does not heal properly or is not adequately cared for. For example, if a tongue piercing is not correctly taken care of to heal properly, it will cause the tongue to swell, leading to trouble breathing. In dangerous situations, people with underlying heart conditions, bacteria can cause damages to the heart valves. Tongue piercings cause risks of bleeding since there are a lot of blood vessels in the area. Jewelry can cause issues, too, since it can chip or crack your teeth while you eat, talk, chew, or sleep. When a tooth is broken too profoundly, you will either lose it permanently or need a root canal to fix it.

Oral piercings also:

  • Makes it difficult to speak, swallow, or chew
  • Cause damage to teeth, gums, fillings, and tongue
  • Interferes with X-rays during medical or dental exams
  • Can lead to serious health problems such as gum disease, excessive bleeding, long-term infection, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C
  • Allergic reactions
  • Nerve damages
  • Uncontrollable bleeding

Since there is a high risk that can lead to further complications, the American Dental Association warns against oral piercings. Nevertheless, if you decide to get piercings, make sure to consult your doctor to ensure that your vaccinations are up to date.

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